
Whether it is worth teaching coding to children from the age of 7 and why it is the right thing to do

  Every person by nature has certain talents and inclinations to perform certain tasks. But this potential should be unlocked in childhood to give as much time as possible for its development and improvement. The modern digital world makes many parents think about what profession is better to give their child. It is obvious that programming is one of the most promising fields of activity. But is it worth starting to study coding if children are only 7-10 years old? Of course it is worth it. Let's talk about it in more detail. Modern tools for learning programming Why are some parents skeptical about their child learning programming from an early age? They consider this process boring and uninteresting. This is a common mistake, as there are now a huge number of learning tools that provide increased interest and engagement for children in learning the basics of coding. The most prominent examples are games and platforms like Scratch, Roblox and Fortnite. With their help, children ca